Tag Archives: Mindy

6.0 – First Contact

Well hello! If it isn’t classic simmer behaviour to quit for a few years and come back like nothing happened, right? That’s right, nothing happened! Not even going to pretend there’s an excuse for my absence.

But good news! I have content to write for a bit and a plan to try to stick to this legacy so it can be done before I am 72 years old. That gives me another 45 years and at this rate it still means I need to do half a generation a year, which I have not been doing. So don’t be surprised if I pick up the pace, after all it’s an ISBI so a lot of it is repetitive, I’ll keep the highlights, milestones and general idea but I’m sorry to report that I will not be keeping track of how many horse races there was or all the caring for said annoyances.Horses are so hard to deal with it’s not even fun, do not recommend, especially not in an ISBI.

Speaking of this ISBI, the heir poll has been closed for ten billion years and a winner has long been known by myself only (you probably don’t remember the contenders or the winner either for that matter).

Find out what happens in the next one, I have tons of screenshots still. I hope you like this new format!