Choose your E

Here is the heir poll. Make sure you read the last chapter in case you missed it. Here are your choice;


Traits: Genius, Insane, Supernatural Fan, Lucky, Brave
Favorites: Dark Wave, Cookies, Lime
Lifetime Wish: Animal Rescuer (Adopt 6 strays)


Traits: Grumpy, Virtuoso, Star Quality, Charismatic, Savvy Sculptor
Favorites: Country, Dim Sum, Spice Brown
Lifetime Wish: Superstar Actor


Traits: Artistic, Evil, Over-Emotional, Savvy Sculptor, Vegetarian
Favorites: Egyptian, French Toast, Green
Lifetime Wish: Home Design Hotshot

Edward (Ghost) -Living picture is to see him better-

Traits: Evil, Friendly, Adventurous, Rebellious, Great Kisser
Favorites: Island, Egg Rolls, Grey
Lifetime Wish: None as of now because he died before it gave him one.

Also, how bad is it when you’re used to a face so much that you start thinking it’s the Face One face? My brain now thinks that being face one is having a Moonwisp face.

Pick your favorite here.

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