1.6- Stubborn Children

Welcome back, after quite a while! Last time, the kids were rebellious, Dean was abducted -again-, Blake became a teenager and the twins became children. Which means, no more toddlers until the next generation!

To celebrate, I slightly remodel the house so that it would have more room for  everyone to go around and have less routing issues.

Here’s the house on the outside.
With a treehouse on the left of it, for the two younger boys.

The twin’s bedroom, which used to be the nursery.
So lucky Irish Green and Purple can fit together.

I put the alchemy table inside, thinking Dean didn’t give it a hand because it was cold/raining outside.
And a slight glimpse at….could it be? A living room!!!!

The dining room with the kitchen behind it.
With Aurora enjoying cake as she does everyday.

Finally, the Master Bedroom.
I like it a lot, and my boyfriend calls it the “Stop sign bedroom” because of its octogon shape around the bed and bookcase.

And back to live mode! Firsts things first…
Aurora signs up Bruce and Bane for scouting, since Bruce loves the outdoors and Bane is adventurous.

While those two boys stand around aimlessly outside.
Ever since the birthday that took place in the MORNING! Blake: I’m wet.

Happily I didn’t have to reset them and they all had cake together.
A boy’s night. Bellatrix was nowhere to be seen. Bruce: Eating cake all the time is garbage.

Blake then discovered the pain of being the eldest.
It means you don’t get to shower if your younger brother wants to sleep.

It was pretty adorable, however.
Maybe Bruce will become an excellent cook thanks to Blake…

And here’s a glimpse of Bane…
Oh wait, he just blew up. Nevermind. R.I.P Bane.

Bellatrix is enjoying the chess table, proving to us that she is really a genius.
Everyone is glad about the new furniture, and so am I.

Well, we can’t know for sure if Aurora’s happy.
SMILE, your house just got bigger and you can focus on your lifetime wish!!!

Here’s our first legacy ghost, Bane.
What? I told you he blew up. Get used to it, you’ll never see him again. (I had to reset him)

A teen cooking! Never seen it before 😮
Cooking for his little sister, such a nice guy. ❤

Bruce…You were potty trained!
The toilet is RIGHT THERE!

Quite fast, agreed, but it is time for another birthday!
Stinky Bellatrix’s.

“I want to be a child forever! I don’t want to grow up!” Oh sweetie, I wish it was possible…

But you can do like your Mommy.
And stay a child in your heart. “Hur hur, I’m such a clown.”

Take two, on the counter, in case the table was the problem.
Bane in the background, back from the realm of the dead/invisible.

Still nope.
Darn it, stubborn child! You will age!

I reseted her, and this happened. Actually I couldn’t reset her, through reset Sim or Mods, so I HAD to delete her using moveobjects on.
Does that mean her genes are changed? :/ Because her eyes are green now I think.

Cheat her into aging. Because now I can cheat her!
At last! At long last! I was afraid she’d be a child forever.

She’s still amazing.
And I know from her younger brothers, which I have personally seen as teens, that she has her family’s genes in her. I decide to keep her with her green eyes, it suits her.

Pretty sure she’s the same Bellatrix you all know, and she is STUNNING!

But skinny. As per family tradition.
Bellatrix Moonwisp, the eternal child, locks Ambitious, which makes her a Genius, Athletic, Mooch and Ambitious Sim. I like her very much and I’d bet she’s your favorite. In my opinion, the teens all look so good it’s impossible for me to choose -but I’m getting ahead of myself-

Next time, more stuff! Sorry I don’t update often, I’ll try to be better.

4 thoughts on “1.6- Stubborn Children

    1. Voguishstorm Post author

      Hmm, how can it be fixed? Cause I used the dashboard on all my CC and it doesn’t detect anything, but thanks for the info 😛 -the eternal battle of playing the Sims 3 without any problem-


      1. somebodysangel13

        Haha, oh yes, problems are the bane of TS3. Though I have issues in TS4 as well, it’s just EA’s bad coding.
        The only way I found to fix it was to find and get rid of the offending piece of CC. Took a long while, but my sims were losing their genetics when they were deleted, which was really annoying.


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